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Mike Holmes is a professional contractor, television host, public speaker and is known as one of North America’s most trusted contractors

More About Mike

A community of like-minded builders and renovators, all sharing a dedication to Make it Right.

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Products the Holmes family trusts to deliver top results in quality, durability, performance, and safety in home construction.

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Watch all your favourite classic Holmes TV showson Homeful TV!

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Holmes On Homes Podcast with Mike Holmes

Inspired by the success of Mike Holmes’ TV shows,  this Holmes On Homes podcast brings an in-depth discussion on a variety of topics from how to build a healthy home to choosing quality products for your home, and improving the quality of water in your house. Listen to all new episodes on the major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Castbox, or watch them by clicking the link below.


After working in the building industry for more than 35 years, Mike was asked to develop and host his own TV series, Holmes on Homes®, which became an international success and broke ratings records. Since then, he has used his no-nonsense Make It Right® attitude to educate homeowners on proper building code, what to look for in contractors and their rights as homeowners. His TV shows are broadcasted in over 90 countries.

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2 days ago

Mike Holmes
I am super proud of all our bright students entering the skilled trades or just starting off their exciting careers! These hard workers are an integral part to growing and keeping the skilled trades and construction industry strong.

The Holmes Foundation and the Make it Right Charity have sponsored the Renovation Technician Awards Conestoga College for years.

Huge congrats to last year's Renovation Technician Awards winners Nicolas and Mitchell. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed.

Nicolas said that winning the award gave him much-needed time to focus and excel in his studies.

I'm excitedly counting down the days to find out who the lucky winners are in May!

Thank you to everyone who supports The Holmes Foundation. Let's keep encouraging our future builders!
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2 days ago

Mike Holmes
Working Gear is a great organization that we helped several years ago when working in Vancouver on Holmes Family Effect.

The non-profit organization provides struggling and homeless people with a
fresh chance at employment by equipping them with clothing, haircutting services and work boots to help get them into the workforce.

Sherry, Michael and I helped transform their crowded and intimidating space into an open and welcoming place.

I'd love to do more shows like this! 👍 What do you thi#SkilledTradesr#endskilledtradesstigmat#HolmesFamilyEffectffect
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3 days ago

Mike Holmes
Why don't we have enough people getting into the trades?
I've personally heard from people that think the skilled trades are lesser jobs, that it's the people who couldn't get into college that got into the trades. But let me tell you the trades are very fulfilling careers with great pay and endless opportunities —not to mention you need to have a lot of skills like math, business, and communication.
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Mike Holmes Jr. is a professional contractor, television host, public speaker, educator, and online personality who received the education of a lifetime by working alongside his father, professional contractor, Mike Holmes, on the hit TV show Holmes on Homes®. Today, Mike Jr. is a leader, matching wits and skills with his father on the latest series HOLMES and HOLMES.

More about Mike Jr


Sherry Holmes, daughter of professional contractor/ TV host, Mike Holmes, is following in her father’s footsteps, as a professional contractor, public speaker and educator for youth who want to get into the professional trades. Like her father, everything she teaches and believes in is based on quality, integrity and trust.

More about Sherry

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