
Holmes On Homes Podcast

By Mike Holmes

Mike’s Advice / Design & Renovation Inspiration

Saturday, February 8th, 2025 @ 1:16pm

Mike Holmes Podcast | Holmes On Homes

The Holmes on Homes podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the world of home improvement, repair, and renovation. I was so excited to launch my own podcast. Every episode has been an absolute pleasure to film. And trust me, I have been learning a lot as I film more and more!

In each episode, we discuss a range of topics, from common construction pitfalls to personal stories from my long career in the home improvement industry. The podcast is unique in that it blends practical advice with relatable stories, making it accessible to both DIY enthusiasts and people with little to no construction experience. These are unscripted conversations, and I love that!

In addition to practical advice, I also tackle topics I am genuinely curious about. From pond maintenance to your pet’s diet, join me as I interview subject matter experts in each episode.

The Future of TV 

Improving Indoor Air Quality 


Can Your Pet’s Diet Be Why They Are Sick



Beware The Scammers!


Watch the full Holmes on Homes Podcast episodes on Mike Holmes’ YouTube Channel


About Mike Holmes’ Holmes On Homes Podcast:

Known for his no-nonsense approach and his focus on getting things done right the first time, Mike Holmes is best known for his popular TV show Holmes on Homes, where he helps homeowners fix disastrous renovations. His podcast brings that same expertise and passion to a more intimate, conversational format.

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