For the past 10 years viewers from around the world have been getting to know Mike Holmes the construction guru. He is the man who ‘makes it right’ for homeowners who have been burned by bad renovations, inadequate inspections, and dubious contractors. Now after 10 years it’s time to get to know more about Mike the person.
This Special combines humour and heartfelt moments to take a look back at the man from humble beginnings who went on to become an international celebrity with a highly successful brand.
Click below for Photos & Videos from “Mike Holmes Behind the Overalls”
Below is the full list of seasons and episodes related to “Mike Holmes Behind the Overalls”
Holmes 10th Anniversary Special (Behind The Overalls) – 1 x 44:50
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Mike Holmes interviews Building Biologist Andrew Guido on building a HEALTHY laneway house in Toronto. Join this in-depth podcast discussion on:👉Circadian L...Last year I was introduced to so many new products from their light up shower niche to the Peel & Stick version of their DITRA-HEAT in-floor warming system —which we've used on our projects since. I hear they have a number of new things lined up this year too and I can't wait to see what they are 👍
If you're there come by and say hello!
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I'm excited to be talking to Rob Almond, CEO of NEST - Integrated Facilities Management at their 3rd annual IFM Summit in Las Vegas next week on Feb. 26 about
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👍 Show the next generation that these careers are worth pursuing
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