The Holmes family is one competitive family! In this “Holmes for the Holidays” special, Sherry challenges her brother, Michael and her father, Mike to a competition. The goal is to see who is best at decorating their home for Christmas — in just one week! The whole family joins in and everyone pulls out all the stops. Each house is decorated in a unique theme and there are surprises along the way. May the best Holmes win!
Click below for Photos from “Holmes for the Holidays”
Holmes For the Holidays Photos
Photos from Holmes for the Holidays
Below is the full list of seasons and episodes related to “Holmes for the Holidays”
Holmes for the Holidays – Special
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Tiles are a good flooring choice for your kitchen. Stone tile makes an extremely durable kitchen floor that holds up well to daily use, and it can be heated from below to provide comfort. Both ceramic and porcelain tiles need a strong and level subfloor to prevent cracks in the grout or loose tiles.
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There are many options for kitchen flooring. Learn how to choose the best kitchen flooring materials for your place and maintain them with Mike Holmes.
Thank you Canada's Restoration Services for being an awesome partner! Their team does our demolitions, asbestos testing and removal and mold removal. Trustworthy, reliable and experienced - perfect team for us.
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This is the water softener and RO water system for my house. I love it. Water that tastes better, works better in my plumbing and appliances, makes skin and clothes feel better, I gotta tell you, I can FEEL the difference.
The drinking water system (called K5) comes with a VOC filter and customized cartridges to deal with the exact issues I have with my water.
Manufacturer: Kinetico Water Systems
The drinking water system (called K5) comes with a VOC filter and customized cartridges to deal with the exact issues I have with my water.
Manufacturer: Kinetico Water Systems
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