Mike Holmes is going back to his roots rescuing homeowners from unscrupulous contractors, unhealthy homes and D.I.Y. projects gone wrong. It’s a family affair as his daughter Sherry and son Michael, who share his passion for making it right for deserving families, are right by his side. Over 5 episodes, the Holmes’ will take on five houses, and turn them into homes again.
Families from Retooled
Click below for more content from “Holmes + Holmes”
The Flood House
In The Flood House, homeowners Bob and Barb find out how a little leak turned into a huge disaster and insurance nightmare…
The Half Done House
After seven months of renovations, Greg and Karen’s home was still half done; Mike and his team start from scratch finding…
The Toxic Townhouse
The Toxic Townhouse is exactly that! Toxic, after a home inspection uncovers terrible toxic elements in the air, a dangerous gas line…
Click below for Photos & Videos from “Holmes + Holmes Retooled”
Holmes + Holmes On Set
Behind the scenes photos from Holmes + Holmes
The Flood House
Behind the scenes photos from The Flood House
Below is the full list of seasons and episodes related to “Holmes + Holmes Retooled”
- EP01: The Flood House
- EP02: The Half Done House
- EP03: The Twice Done House
- EP04: The Toxic Townhouse
- EP05: The City Barn
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The drinking water system (called K5) comes with a VOC filter and customized cartridges to deal with the exact issues I have with my water.
Manufacturer: Kinetico Water Systems
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