Mike Holmes is going back to his roots rescuing homeowners from unscrupulous contractors, unhealthy homes and D.I.Y. projects gone wrong. It’s a family affair as his daughter Sherry and son Michael, who share his passion for making it right for deserving families, are right by his side. Over 12 episodes, the Holmes’ will take on five houses, and turn them into homes again.
Families from Season 3
Click below for more content from “Holmes + Holmes”
The Flood House
In The Flood House, homeowners Bob and Barb find out how a little leak turned into a huge disaster and insurance nightmare…
The City Barn
In The City Barn we meet Patricia and Rob and their kids Kiana and Jake. The plan is to fix the weathered roof and make the house…
The Half Done House
After seven months of renovations, Greg and Karen’s home was still half done; Mike and his team start from scratch finding…
Click below for Photos & Videos from “Holmes + Holmes”
Holmes + Holmes On Set
Behind the scenes photos from Holmes + Holmes
The Flood House
Behind the scenes photos from The Flood House
Below is the full list of seasons and episodes related to “Holmes + Holmes”
Season 1
- EP1001: A Bold Move
- EP1002: Moving up in the World
- EP1003: Decisions, Decisions
- EP1004: Distractions and Disagreements
- EP1005: Trouble at the Finish
- EP1006: Holmes Sweet Home
Season 3
- EP3019: Families Helping Families
- EP3020: Holmes Divide and Conquer
- EP3021: Not a Dry Eye in the House
- EP3022:Can You Dig It?
- EP3023: No Bones About It
- EP3024: Bringing the Heat
- EP3025: Unfinished Business
- EP3026: TBA
- EP3027: TBA
- EP3028: TBA
- EP3029: TBA
- EP3030: TBA
Season 2
- EP2007: We’re in Business
- EP2008: Water: The Good, The Bad, and The Money
- EP2009: Demo, Digging, and Dancing
- EP2010: What Comes Down Must Go Up
- EP2011: Decisions and Delays
- EP2012: Debates, Decisions and Designer
- EP2013: Here We Go Again
- EP2014: Game Changer
- EP2015: River House of Dreams
- EP2016: Smart Suburban Holmes
- EP2017: A Thousand Goodbyes
- EP2018: The Holmes Stretch
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